Welcome to the Association of Senior Anthropologists

The Association of Senior Anthropologists offers senior and retired anthropologists a continuing presence and voice in the discipline, allowing them to put their accumulated knowledge and insights to significant use.

The section has two main purposes:

(1) to serve as a forum for lively intellectual interactions and scholarly productivity, especially but not limited to presentations and publications by senior anthropologists as representatives of the living history of the discipline;

(2) to provide support needed by this cohort, including assistance with accessibility related to aging and in remaining professionally engaged when institutional support is reduced or absent.

2023 Overview

The AAA meeting in Toronto was well attended by ASA members, with a full and varied program of activities. The official theme, Transitions, was addressed through discussions of formative experiences, aging issues, and ethics policy revisions, along with opportunities and constraints for late career initiatives. A photo essay and roster of activities has been posted on the Meetings page.

In the annual election, members voted for Margo Smith to serve another term as Treasurer, Rick Feinberg to serve another term as At-Large Representative, and Dillion Cartwright to serve as Student Representative.

2024 So Far

  • A list of Thursday Chats through the spring of this year can be found on the News page, with further information on the Thursday Chats page
  • In the spring election we chose Rick Feinberg as President Elect and Program Chair, Kathy Fine-Dare as Secretary, and Helena Wulff for a second term as At-Large Representative on the ASA board. Their terms run from the November 2024 to November 2026 annual meetings.
  • The program theme for the annual AAA meeting November 20 to 24 in Tampa, Florida, is “Praxis.” Information about the ASA program has been posted on the News page. If you have any questions, please contact Program Chair (and President Elect) Jay Schensul.
  • If you have any suggestions concerning ASA activities and projects or are interested in serving in a leadership role, please contact President Maria Cattell.

Links to Anthropology News articles can be found on the AN Column page. Links to Thursday Chats can be found on the Thursday Chats page.